Running Dog Studio
fish descriptions
I make eight varying fish styles. Fortunately - or unfortunately - I am constantly making and shipping out these artistic fish, leaving it challenging to maintain a collection of fish for online sales only. Below you will find examples of fish in each style. Should you be interested in your very own fish, look at the available fish page or contact me and I will send images of fish currently available. Contact.

Small PaddleFish begin as a Ping Pong racquet. Large PaddleFish begin with SmashBall or PickleBall racquets. They are given a fin, teeth, tail and are filled with found objects before being wire-wrapped and named.

Wall fish are typically around four feet long. Some are longer, others shorter. They start with a crutch; have a fin, teeth and tail added; then are filled with found objects, wire wrapped and named after something related (or inside) the fish.
SawTooth fish vary in size, typically between five and six feet long. They start with a crutch and two saw blades.
Small Fish are typically around two feet long. They start with a child's crutch.
Standing fish are typically around two to three feet long. They start with a child or youth's crutch. They stand on a piece of BlueStone.
Baby standing fish are created from a wooden "My Twinn" doll crutch.
Two-sided fish are typically around two to three feet long and can be viewed from both sides (perfect for a table). They also start with a youth crutch.